Exhibitor badges


3Exhibitor cards are only for your employees on your stand.
The requested amount of cards is determined according your stand surface.
Each badge will be equipped with a barcode with limited usage. In case of abuse, all your exhibitor cards may be revoked.

Please notify us of your requested amount, bear in mind the following availability:

12m² : 3 badges

13 ≤24m²: 4 badges

25 ≤ 48m²: 6 badges

49 ≤ 72m²: 8 badges

73 ≤ 100m²: 10 badges

>100m²: in consultation with IJV-IFAS

ATTENTION ! The exhibitor cards will not be sent by post. They need to be picked up during the

construction days in the fairs office in the front of hall 6. The office is open from 9 am until 5 pm.

This item is mandatory!


Place de Belgique 1, BE - 1020 Brussels